Whole body dosemeter intercomparison IC2022ph

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Welcome to the EURADOS Whole body dosemeter intercomparison IC2022ph!

On this homepage, participants of the Whole body dosemeter intercomparison IC2022ph can log in and check the current status of the intercomparison, receive information about the irradiation process, enter their dose values and much more.

For the documentation please have a look at the file 'IC2022ph Online Platform Documentation.pdf' which is available via the 'Documents' link!

As the deadline for registration is over (Sunday, 2022-07-10, 23:59 (CEST)), registration is no longer possible.

By the way: you can change the language of this homepage in the bottom left corner.

en | de Contact: Christian Gärtner (ic2022ph@eurados-intercomparison.org) | Imprint | Data Privacy Statement